
Alla inlägg under oktober 2010

Av Asla - 26 oktober 2010 17:33

Hej alla läsare! Förlåt för den låga uppdateringen! Har bara inte orkat att blogga alls! I allafall så ska jag berätta vad jag har gjort! De senaste veckorna så har jag inte gjort något speciellt bara pluggat och gått till skolan. Idag så var vi på skogsutflykt med klassen och vi lagade mat ute och la upp en eld! Det var faktiskt jätte roligt inte så tråkigt som det låter!! Imorgon så ska jag som vanligt till skolan men sen så kl 2 så ska jag gå tidigare från skolan därför att jag har tandläkartid. Jo nyligen eller inte nyligen precis så har jag tänkt på att tona mitt hår. Alltså färga mitt hår men inte permanent. Mitt hår är typ svartbrunt och jag undrar om ni har några tips om vilken färg jag ska färga håret. Jag ska använda Herba Shine från Garnier men jag vet inte direkt vilken färg jag ska använda så kommentera och skriv vad ni tycker och vilken färg jag ska använda! Själv så har jag tänkt på kastanjebrunt eller askbrun eller mahogny brunt. Jag vill inte bli blondin utan jag vill fortfarande vara brunnett. Vad tycker ni???

Av Asla - 14 oktober 2010 15:00

BPOV: The next day mom took me shopping. I got several new clothes ( I tried to protest but she igonored me). Today I was going to Forks High School. "Bella?" "Yes dad what is it?" "Can you come down a little?" "Ok".When I went down I saw a big truck. "Sweetie this is

for you!" "What" I said. " I can't it's too much" I stuttered. "No Bella sweetie we love you

and we just had it around anyways!" I hugged them and took my bag to go to school. When

I was at Forks high I got to the parking lot and parked my car. I got out and saw everyone stare at me. I blushed. I took my bag and looked at my slips that I was going to hand the teachers. I looked at my schedule. I had P.E first. I went to P.E and I knew that this was'nt my type of thing to do. And I was right. I was a real klutz (A\N: DID I SPELL THAT RIGHT?) We were playing volley ball when suddenly I shot the ball at a guys back head.I blushed and stuttered "I'm so sorry!" He looked at me and said: "No that's alright I'm Mike, Mike Newton, you must be Isabella?" "Just Bella" Suddenly a girl came "She's got a great spike right?" "I'm Jessica by the way" "Hi Jessica!" I said and then ran to change. Next I had math and the class was soo boring I knew everything he said and everything from the questions and everything form the homework. Next was English and as the previous class I knew everything, but this class was not boring it was really fun. Now it was lunch. We went to the cafeteria and got luInch. Suddenly a few ghostpale students came in and I leaned in to Jessica to ask who they were. "That's the cullens, Dr and mrs Cullens foster kids. "They moved here from Alaska a few years ago. "They kind of keep to themselves because they are all together, like together together. "The blond girl over there that's Rosalie and the big dark guy Emmet they have like a thing". "The other girl is Alice she's really weird and she's with Jasper the blond one that looks like he's in pain". I Nodded and continued playing with my food when suddenly another ghostpale student came in. "Who's he"? "Thats Edward Cullen totally gorgeous but nobody here seems good enough for him,



BPOV: Me and Edward have been together for over six months now. Tonight is my sixteenth birthday and Alice being Alice did a party. I was opening on of the presents when suddenly I got a papercut and blood sipped out of my finger. Jasper came running towards me and the blood but before he did anything Edward pushed me out of the way and pushed Jasper on the grand piano. Then Edward drove me home after Carlisle fixed my arm. He pulled to my house but when he was going to carry me I stopped him. "Edward It's still my birthday can I ask one thing"? "Anything" "Kiss me"? He pressed his lips to mine and I kissed him back. He pulled back."I love you" I said. "I love you too" he said and smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. The next day none of them were in school. After school he was at my house. "lets go for a walk" he said. We went to a forest behind my house but he stopped me "Bella we have to leave forks" "Why"? He sighed "Carlisles is supposed to be ten years older than he looks". "Ok I have to figure out something to say to Charlie and Rene'e"! "No" "You just don't belong in my world Bella"! " Where you are is the right place for me". "You’re the very best part of my life"! He just sighed. "I shook my head and took a deep breath, trying to locate some courage". "If this is about my soul I don’t care! You can have my soul. I don’t want it without you—it’s yours already". "Bella, I don’t want you to come with me". "You… don’t… want me?" "Of course, I’ll always love you… in a way. But what happened the other night made me realize that it’s time for a change. Because I’m… tired of pretending to be something I’m not, Bella. I am not human" "You’re not good for me, Bella." "Just promise me one thing don't do anything reckless.... for Charlie and Rene'es sake" " I promise that this will be the last time you’ll see me. I won’t come back. I won’t put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without any more interference from me. It will be as if I’d never existed I promise". I shook my head. "I refuse to forget you" "
Don’t worry. You’re human—your memory is no more than a sieve. Time heals all wounds for your kind. "Will you forget"? "Well, I won’t forget. But my kind… we’re very easily distracted" "Goodbye Bella" he said and left me. With shaky legs, ignoring the fact that my action was useless, I followed him into the forest. The evidence of his path had disappeared instantly. There were no footprints, the leaves were still again, but I walked forward without thinking. I could not do anything else. I had to keep moving. If I stopped looking for him, it was over. Love, life, meaning… over.



CPOV(CHARLIE): Bella has been depressed for over two months this has to stop. It's all because of cullen...

BPOV: The waves of pain that had only lapped at me before now reared high up and washed over my head, pulling me under. I did not resurface.Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.I didn’t know much about psychoanalysis, but I was pretty sure that it didn’t work unless the subject was relatively honest. Sure, I could tell the truth—if I wanted to spend the rest of my life in a padded cell.As much as I struggled not to think of him, I did not struggle to forget. I worried—late in the night, when the exhaustion of sleep deprivation broke down my defenses—that it was all slipping away. That my mind was a sieve, and I would someday not be able to remember the precise color of his eyes, the feel of his cool skin, or the texture of his voice. I could not think of them, but I must remember them. Because there was just one thing that I had to believe to be able to live—I had to know that he existed. That was all. Everything else I could endure. So long as he existed.Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget; it was a hard line to walk. Today I stayed home because I was sick. As usual I sat there emotionless looking at no where when suddenly someone knocked at the door. I wondered who it was! It was too early for Rene'e and Charlie and Edward would never return, Then who is it?????

seriously like don't waste your time". " I was'nt planning on doing it". I looked over at them and they were looking at me. "What's that on your forehead"? "Oh that's a scar I always had". "ok". I got up too leave my tray that I did'nt touch. I saw the cullens follow me. I went to my car and pulled out my IPod and had my earbuds in my ears. The Cullens came towards me. I closed my eyes and let the music fill my ears. I took off mu IPod and went to class but got stipped by a strong pair of arms. "What is it"? "You're Bella right"? "Yes"? " We would like to get to know you"! "Eh ok but know I have to go to class". They nodded . Suddenly I gripped my hand at my scar and gasped. I saw a flash of green and then I "woke up" panting. "Bella are you alright"? "Yes" I lied and went to class. My scar hurt so much in Biology and Edward was really worried. I could'nt take it anymore so I ran out of class. I collapsed. I got up and Edward was next to me.My eyes teared up. "Bella are you alright"? "Yes" I lied. I went to my truck and Edward followed me. I sank to the gorund and soon the rest of the Cullens were next to me. "Bella can you tell us anything- I cut them off "I don't remember a ting, I just woke up in a alley in New York and the police found me". I rubbed my scar. They gasped when they noticed my scar again. I got up. "I need to go to the nurse to get some painkillers". I went to the nurse and she got me painkillers. I felt a lot better after that. That night I didn't sleep so well. I had a nightmare but this time I was in a forest and sawn Edward but every time I got near him he disappeared. And the dream ended with a flash of green as usual. . At the morning I got up took a few painkillers and got to school. When I parked my truck Edward and the rest of the cullens were next to me . "Hello" I said and got out. Class was boring I already knew everything Alice Cullen sat next to me and she was amazed. I sat alone at lunch today until the cullens came and saw me playing with my food. "Bella aren't you hungry"? "Not that much really" I shrugged. "Bella when was the last time you ate"? "Two days ago" I shrugged. They gasped. "Bella you need to eat"! "No I'm good thank you". I got up. They followed me. I went in the girls bathroom and Alice and Rosalie followed me. I fixed my hair so it covered my scar and then went out. Once again they followed me. I took out my IPod and let the music fill my ears and closed my eyes and ignored the cullens. Then Rosalie came and took out my earbuds. "WHAT"! I yelled. Alice spoke: "Bella we're worried abot you". "Why"? She flinched. I got up and pushed myself past them. I went to same boring class and sat down. Class was over quickly and I got out fast and sat in my truck.Days passed and everyday I got more feelings for Edward. I've watched them they don't eat, they are fast and strong, their eyes change colour. I had a theory but I had to ask them. I got to their table."Guys can you come I want to ask you a few things"! I took them to a forest nearby. "You are not human" I pointed to them. "You are incredibly strong and fast, you don't eat, you're eyes change colour, you don't go out in the sunlight"! "I'm not scared of you I just have a theory would you like to hear it"? They nodded. "Are you vampires"? "Please answer honestly I'm not afraid of you. Edward came closer to me. "Yes we are vampires". I nodded . "Thank you"! I said and got up to go to school, but they stopped me. "Bella we really like you"! I nodded. "I can see that" I laughed. "But why"? "Calm down we only drink animal blood". "ok". "Edward Can I talk to you"? "Yes" "Edward I'm going to ut this straight I have feelings for you but if you don't like me i'ts ok i don't expect it at all"! He smiled. "I have feelings for you too"! He leaned in and gently brushed his lips to mine. I kissed him back. When we pulled back he embrased me. He gently touched my scar. "Bella do you feel good"? "Perfect"! "Lets go" I said he nodded and took my hand. When we saw the others they smiled. 



BPOV: Me and Edward have been together for over six months now. Tonight is my sixteenth birthday and Alice being Alice did a party. I was opening on of the presents when suddenly I got a papercut and blood sipped out of my finger. Jasper came running towards me and the blood but before he did anything Edward pushed me out of the way and pushed Jasper on the grand piano. Then Edward drove me home after Carlisle fixed my arm. He pulled to my house but when he was going to carry me I stopped him. "Edward It's still my birthday can I ask one thing"? "Anything" "Kiss me"? He pressed his lips to mine and I kissed him back. He pulled back."I love you" I said. "I love you too" he said and smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. The next day none of them were in school. After school he was at my house. "lets go for a walk" he said. We went to a forest behind my house but he stopped me "Bella we have to leave forks" "Why"? He sighed "Carlisles is supposed to be ten years older than he looks". "Ok I have to figure out something to say to Charlie and Rene'e"! "No" "You just don't belong in my world Bella"! " Where you are is the right place for me". "You’re the very best part of my life"! He just sighed. "I shook my head and took a deep breath, trying to locate some courage". "If this is about my soul I don’t care! You can have my soul. I don’t want it without you—it’s yours already". "Bella, I don’t want you to come with me". "You… don’t… want me?" "Of course, I’ll always love you… in a way. But what happened the other night made me realize that it’s time for a change. Because I’m… tired of pretending to be something I’m not, Bella. I am not human" "You’re not good for me, Bella." "Just promise me one thing don't do anything reckless.... for Charlie and Rene'es sake" " I promise that this will be the last time you’ll see me. I won’t come back. I won’t put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without any more interference from me. It will be as if I’d never existed I promise". I shook my head. "I refuse to forget you" "
Don’t worry. You’re human—your memory is no more than a sieve. Time heals all wounds for your kind. "Will you forget"? "Well, I won’t forget. But my kind… we’re very easily distracted" "Goodbye Bella" he said and left me. With shaky legs, ignoring the fact that my action was useless, I followed him into the forest. The evidence of his path had disappeared instantly. There were no footprints, the leaves were still again, but I walked forward without thinking. I could not do anything else. I had to keep moving. If I stopped looking for him, it was over. Love, life, meaning… over.



CPOV(CHARLIE): Bella has been depressed for over two months this has to stop. It's all because of cullen...

BPOV: The waves of pain that had only lapped at me before now reared high up and washed over my head, pulling me under. I did not resurface.Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.I didn’t know much about psychoanalysis, but I was pretty sure that it didn’t work unless the subject was relatively honest. Sure, I could tell the truth—if I wanted to spend the rest of my life in a padded cell.As much as I struggled not to think of him, I did not struggle to forget. I worried—late in the night, when the exhaustion of sleep deprivation broke down my defenses—that it was all slipping away. That my mind was a sieve, and I would someday not be able to remember the precise color of his eyes, the feel of his cool skin, or the texture of his voice. I could not think of them, but I must remember them. Because there was just one thing that I had to believe to be able to live—I had to know that he existed. That was all. Everything else I could endure. So long as he existed.Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget; it was a hard line to walk. Today I stayed home because I was sick. As usual I sat there emotionless looking at no where when suddenly someone knocked at the door. I wondered who it was! It was too early for Rene'e and Charlie and Edward would never return, Then who is it?????

Av Asla - 12 oktober 2010 18:52

Chapter 1 Where am I?

BPOV: A flash of green and I woke up on something wet and hard. Where am I?

Who am I? I got up and realised that I was in some alley but where? ...


I went to an orphanage waiting to get a foster family but there were not many who

wanted a fifteen year old girl that only know her first name and nothing else. Today

were just like any other day and I was waiting and praying that someone would have the heart to adopt me and get me out of this shit hole. Suddenly someone came in and told me that a family in Forks Washington wanted me. I was going to leave tomorow and I was really happy.

I went to my only mirror and looked at my reflection. I had green eyes and black unruly hair that reached to my waist and a scar on my forehead shaped like a lightning bolt, I sighed at how plain I looked. Next morning I woke up and a taxi was waiting for me outside. When I

was at the airport I saw that it was the last call for my flight so I rushed in. Four hours later I

was in Forks and went out looking for my foster mother, but i did'nt see anything. I sat down and sighed this was probably some kind of joke. Suddenly I saw a sign with BELLA written

on it and ran to the woman. Hello my name is Rene'e and I am your foster Rene'e I'm Bella. She smiled widely. C'mon Bella lets go home. She looked at me and

my little bag. Bella don't you have more luggage? Eh no Rene'e these are the clothes

that they gave me at the orphanage. Oh Bella she said and hugged me. Everything will

be alright we will go shopping tomorow honey. My eyes got wide when she called me honey.

What's the matter sweetie? Nothing it's just that no one ever called me sweetie or honey

before. She hugged me again. I'm here sweetie. We went to the car. Rene'e? Yes honey?

Do you have any other children? No dear I can't have kids. Oh I'm sorry. No i'ts alright I got

you now. I smiled. We arrived at her house and went in. Charlie Bella's here Rene'e yelled. A man came to me and smiled. I raised my arm to say hello but he hugged me and twirled me around. Hello my name is Bella I said. I'm Charlie. Hello Charlie. he looked at me and my small bag and said Don't you have more luggage? I explained to him and he reacted the same

as Rene'e did. They showed me my room and I hugged them when I saw my room. I had a Ipod a computer and a cellphone. Charlie,Rene'e this is to much. It's nothing sweetie and you can call us Mom and Dad. I hugged them. Thank you for everything mom,dad. They smiled

Sweetie tomorow we can go shopping and then the next day you can go to high school. Ok

I smiled. Now I was happy I had a family.

Av Asla - 11 oktober 2010 16:47

Hej alla läsare! Förlåt för den kassa uppdateringen! Jag var och kolla runt i facebook igår och såg stephenie meyers meddelande där det stog att vi har vår Reneesmee aka Nessie! Det är ingen mindre än Mackenzie Foy som spelar Nessie hon är nio år ochj har varit model förut jag tycker iallafall att hon är ursöt och hon passar perfekt som Nessie! Jag hittade ingen bra bild av henne ska se igen och lägger upp den senare!

Av Asla - 2 oktober 2010 18:44

Hej sorry för den dåliga uppdateringen har haft så himla många prov ni anar inte  ----_---- .Igår så tog jag det lite lugnt efter alla prov. Jag kollade också på en film som är baserad på den sanna historien om Anne Frank. Vi såg en liknande i skolan men den var nog sencuerad (stavade jag rätt????) Iallafall så handlar den om hennes liv i andra världskriget. Den är väldigt väldigt väldigt sorglig och jag grät genom hela filmen. Vad menar jag med sencuerad?? Jo det är så att på den versionen som vi fick se i skolan så fick man inte reda på så mycket om vad som hände efter de tog henne och hennes familj utan man fick bara veta när de dog. I den här filmen Anne Frank- the whole story  så visar de vad som händer hur de behandlade de och hur var och en dog, och hur pappan överlevde. Den var bra men väldigt sorglig och jag grät genom hela verkligen man såg henne förlora alla som hon älskade hennes syster dog i hennes armar av en sjukdom.Efter att hennes syster blivit sjuk och döttså fick hon själv samma sjukdom och dog. Man mådde pyton efter filmen. Men sen så såg jag idol! ok det lät konstigt ..... Ni  ska få en bild från filmen


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